
Java is an Object Oriented Programming language, supported by various classes. The Applet class is packed in the Java. Applet package which has several interfaces. These interfaces enable the creation of Applets, interaction of Applets with the browser, and playing audio clips in Applets. In Java 2, class Javax.swing.  JApplet is used to define an Applet that uses the Swing GUI components. 
Applet is a special type of program that is embedded in the webpage to generate the dynamic content. It runs inside the browser and works at client side. Applet is embedded in a HTML page using the APPLET or OBJECT tag and hosted on a web server.Applets are used to make the web site more dynamic and entertaining.
Below is the list given for Do’s and Don’ts of Java Applets: 
• Draw pictures on a web page  
• Create a new window and draw the picture in it.  
•Play sounds.  
• Receive input from the user through the keyboard or the mouse.  
• Make a network connection to the server from where the Applet is downloaded, and send to and receive arbitrary data from that server.  
• Write data on any of the host’s disks. 
 • Read any data from the host’s disks without the user’s permission. In some environments, notably Netscape, an Applet cannot read data from the user's disks even with permission. 
 • Delete files
  • Read from or write to arbitrary blocks of memory, even on a non-memoryprotected operating system like the MacOS
 • Make a network connection to a host on the Internet other than the one from which it was downloaded. 


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