
Showing posts with the label Assignment

MMPO-005 Solved Assignment 2023-24

  For complete solved assignment visit: Click here for Solution

MCS-032 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Solved Assignment 2019-2020

Q1. What is OOAD? Explain concepts of objects and class with the help of examples and diagrams. Ans. Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a popular technical approach for analyzing and designing an application, system, or business by applying objectoriented programming, as well as using visual modeling throughout the development life cycles to foster better stakeholder communication and product quality. OOAD in modern software engineering is typically conducted in an iterative and incremental way. The outputs of OOAD activities are analysis models (for OOA) and design models (for OOD) respectively. The intention is for these to be continuously refined and evolved, driven by key factors like risks and business values Object and Class The concepts of objects and classes are intrinsically linked with each other and form the foundation of object–oriented paradigm. For complete solution Click Here 👉 For any query contact me.

MCS-043 Operating System Solved Assignment 2019-2020

For complete solved assignment visit: Click here for Solution or you can contact me.

MCS-041 Operating System Solved Assignment 2019-2020

For complete solved assignment visit: Click here or you can contact me.

MCS-042 Data Communication and Computer Network Solved Assignment 2019-2020

Q1. (a) What is the need of modulating a signal? Will it be a right approach to send the    information as the signal itself?     Ans:   Modulation is the process of mixing a low energy message signal with the high energy carrier signal to produce a new high energy signal which carries information to a long distance. Modulation is the process of changing the characteristics (amplitude, frequency or phase) of the carrier signal, in accordance with the amplitude of the message signal. A device that performs modulation is called modulator.  Need for Modulation Modulation is extremely necessary in communication system because of the following reasons: 1) Avoids mixing of signals 2) Increase the range of communication 3) Wireless communication 4) Reduces the effect of noise 5) Reduces height of antenna Q1.  (b) Explain techniques used in digital to analog modulation with the help of diagram. Ans:  Coming Soon... For rest...

MCA 3rd Semester Solved Assignment for 2019-2020 Session

Hello frndz keep visiting, few of assignment for 3rd semster are updated Rest will be updated soon. 👉Click on Below Links to download Solved Assignment for 3rd Semester. 👈 1. MCS031 Click Here to Download!! 2. MCS032 Click Here to Download !! 3. MCS033 Click Here to Download!! 4. MCS034  Click Here to Download!! 5. MCS035 Click Here to Download!! 5. MCSL036 Click Here to Download!!

MCA 2nd Semester Solved Assignment for 2019-2020 Session

Hello frndz keep visiting, few of assignment for 2nd semster are updated Rest will be updated soon. 👉Click on Below Links to download Solved Assignment for 2rd Semester. 👈 1. MCS021 Click Here to Download!! 2. MCS022 Click Here to Download!! 3. MCS023 Click Here to Download!! 4. MCS024  Click Here to Download!! 5. MCSL025 Click Here to Download!!

MCS-024 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming Solved Assignment 2019-2020

MCS-024 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming Solved Assignment 2019-2020 Q1. (a)   Explain basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming? Explain how data hiding is achieved.    Answer:- Object-Oriented Programming is a methodology or paradigm to design a program using classes and objects. It simplifies the software development and maintenance by providing some concepts: ·          Object -  Any entity that has state and behaviour is known as an object. An Object can be defined as an instance of a class. ·          Class -  Collection of objects is called class. It is a logical entity. A class can also be defined as a blueprint from which you can create an individual object. Class doesn't consume any space. ·          Inheritance -  When one object acquires all the properties and behaviours of a parent object, ...

MCS-042 Data Communication and Computer Network Solved Assignment 2019-2020

Q1. (a) What is the need of modulating a signal? Will it be a right approach to send the    information as the signal itself?    Ans:   Modulation is the process of mixing a low energy message signal with the high energy carrier signal to produce a new high energy signal which carries information to a long distance. Modulation is the process of changing the characteristics (amplitude, frequency or phase) of the carrier signal, in accordance with the amplitude of the message signal. A device that performs modulation is called modulator.  Need for Modulation Modulation is extremely necessary in communication system because of the following reasons: 1) Avoids mixing of signals 2) Increase the range of communication 3) Wireless communication 4) Reduces the effect of noise 5) Reduces height of antenna Q1.  (b) Explain techniques used in digital to analog modulation with the help of diagram. Ans: Coming Soon... Q2. (a) Discuss the...

MCSL036 LAB Course Solved Assignment 2018-2019

LAB Course Solved Section A: Object Oriented Analysis and Design   Question 1: As online commerce is increasing, many organizations are setting up online digital payment system which work as follows:  (i) A costumer does shopping on any shopping site with a credit card or a debit card. A credit card and debit card is issued to any person after verification of all details by a bank such as identity card and the salary statement for the last six months.  (ii) Purchasing detail goes through a payment gateway which encrypts the data to keep it private  and send it to the payment processor   (iii) The payment processor sends a request to the costumer’s issuing bank to check whether they have enough credit to pay for the purchased items (iv) The issuing bank responds with a yes (a approval) or no (a denial)    (v) The payment processor sends the answer back to the costumer’s merchant bank to credit the account in the name of a costumer...

MCS033 Advance Discrete Mathematics Solved assignment 2018-19

Advanced Discrete Mathematics Solved  Question 1:  Give an example of a second order linear homogenous recurrence relation with constant coefficients.    Question (a): Find the order and degree of the following recurrences relation|. Which     of the following belongs to the linear homogenous recurrence relation with constant coefficient?                        (i) 𝑓n = 𝑓n-1 + 𝑓n-2                        (ii) 𝑎n =5𝑎n-1 + 𝑛3                        (iii) 𝑎n =𝑎n-1 + 𝑎n-2 +…. 𝑎0                        (iv) 𝑎n = 5𝑎n-1 𝑎n-2 Question (b): Solve the following recurrences relation                            i)   𝑆n = 2𝑆n-...

MCA 2nd Semester Solved Assignment January-2019 Session

👉Click on Below Links to download Solved Assignment for January 2rd Semester. 👈 1. MCS021  Click Here to Download!! 2. MCS022  Click Here to Download!! 3. MCS023  Click Here to Download!! 4. MCS024  Click Here to Download!! 5. MCSL025  Click Here to Download!! Keep Supporting

MCS033 Advance Discrete Mathematics Solved assignment Q1-Q3

Hello Everyone, Find below the solution of Assignment of MCS-033. MCS-033  Click Here to Download

MCA 3rd Semester Solved Assignment January-2019 Session

Click on Below Links to download Solved Assignment for January session for 3rd Semester. All  Assignment will be uploaded shortly!!! 1. MCS031  Click Here to Downlaod 2. MCS032  Click Here to Downlaod 3. MCS033  Click Here to Download 4. MCS034  Click Here to Downlaod 5. MCS035  Click Here to Downlaod 6. MCSL036  Click Here to Download

MCS-024 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming Solved assignment 2018-19

Question 1:  (a) What is Object Oriented Programming? Explain advantages of Object Oriented Programming with the help of an example.            (5 Marks)                  (b) Explain features of java programming language.          (2 Marks) (c) Write a program to explain use of Relational and Boolean operators in java.   (3 Marks) Question 2:  (a) Explain use of super and final keywords in java with the help of examples.(4 Marks)  (b) Explain followings in context of  java, with the help of examples.            (6 Marks)     i. Class and Objects      ii. Message Passing      iii. Garbage collection Question 3:  (a) What is static method? Explain why main method in java is always static. (2 Marks)  (b) What is inheritance? How inheritance is implemented in java? Crea...

MCSL-017 C and Assembly Language Programming Solved Assignment 2018-19

Section 1: C Programming Lab  Question 1:- Write an interactive program in C language to create an application program for a cooperative bank to maintain the customers’ database. This application should have menu options like below: • Creating a New Record  • Reading/Listing of Records • Modify the record • Delete the record Each customer record should have Customer Name, Account Number, Account Type, Telephone/Mobile, Address, Nominee Name, Account Balance, Date of Joining, etc. The application should be designed user-friendly.        (20 Marks)  Section 2: Assembly Language Programming Lab  Question 1:-  a) Write a program in assembly language to read the current time and Date from the system and display it in the standard format on the screen.    (5 Marks) b) Write a program in assembly language to multiply two 16-bit numbers and to store the result in the specified location.      (5 Marks) c) Write a ...

MCS-014 Systems Analysis and Design Solved Assignment 2018-19

Question 1 Develop SRS for Study Center Management System for an Open University.SRS should be as per IEEE standard SRS template. Make necessary assumptions.                                           (30 Marks) Question 2 Draw the DFDs upto 3rd level for Study Center Management System for an Open University.                                                                                                 (30 Marks) Question 3 Draw ERD for Study Center Management System for an Open University. Make necessary assumptions.                                ...

MCS-023 Introduction to Database Management Systems Solved Assignment 2018-19

Question 1: List and describe briefly all the possible applications of a database management system for a University.          (15 Marks)  Question 2:  Identify all the associated entities for a University Management System, their corresponding attributes, relationships and cardinality and design an EntityRelationship (ER) diagram for it.           (20 Marks)                       Question 3:  Consider the E-R diagram of Question 2 and design the relational schema and the tables. Perform and show the Normalization till the required normal form. Implement the database using MS-Access and submit the screenshots along with your assignment response for this question.  (20 Marks)                       Question 4:  Consider the following relations:  Supplier(S#,sname,status,cit...

MCSL-025 Lab Course Solved Assignment 2018-19

PART-1: MCS-021  Question 1:  Write a program in C language for multiplication of two matrices using Pointers    (5 marks) Question 2: Write a program in C language that will accept a Graph as input and will perform a Depth First Search on it. Make necessary assumptions.       (5 marks) PART-2: MCS-022  Question 1:  Write a shell script in Linux/Unix that accepts a text file as input and prints the number of words in the file which do not have a vowel.     (5 marks) Question 2: Your PC is on a network. Make necessary settings in your PC so that one of the folders in any drive is always shared with Public        (5 marks) PART-3: MCS-023  Question 1: Create a database consisting of Name of University, Number of affiliated Colleges, Total number of Programmes offered, Total number of students enrolled. After creating the database, perform the following tasks:    (10 marks) ...

MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming Solved Assignment 2018-19

Question1: Write an algorithm, draw a flow chart and write its corresponding C program to convert a decimal number to its equivalent hexadecimal number. (10 Marks) Question2: Write an algorithm and its corresponding C program to generate students’ Progress-Report for VIII standard (section of 20 students) of a CBSE school for all its 4 terms. Use Structures concept. Assumptions can be made wherever necessary. (10 Marks) Question 3: Write a C program to generate the following pattern: (10 Marks)  1  1 2  1 2 3  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4 5 Question 4: Write a program to generate Fibonacci series using Recursion. (10 Marks) Question 5: Write a C program to perform the following operation on matrices D = A + (B * C), where A, B and C are matrices of (3 X 3) size and D is the resultant matrix. (10 Marks) Question 6: Write an interactive C program to calculate the string length of a given string, using pointers. (10 Marks) Question 7: Write a C program to tak...